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The electric bike is an excellent alternative to the “classic” bike, which is often too physical for the majority of people and is becoming a key asset in this movement towards gentle and efficient mobility. It makes it possible to meet the needs of travel, well-being, sustainable development and responsible recreational activity.
A fundamental change in travel habits is taking place. Make way for two wheels, make way for electric, make way for sustainable and innovative mobility!
Since 2016, B2ebike has been supporting you to give meaning to your trips

The electric bike
in the leading group

In France, 80 million hours a year are wasted in traffic jams and more than a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions are generated by transport.

Global warming, urban congestion, the economic crisis, stress... travel is becoming a thorny issue for the French, who are rethinking their mobility. Now is the time for traffic calming. Cycling is about to change gear and start reclaiming the urban landscape. The VAE (Vélo à Assistance Electrique - electrically assisted bicycle) is proving to be a key asset in this move towards gentle, efficient mobility. With its many advantages in terms of flexibility, speed, respect for the environment, health and economy, it has a rightful place among the leading modes of transport.

OOWI PRO City one

The paths
home work

Europe is changing gear, France is accelerating…
Like our German and Dutch neighbors where the 2.0 bicycle continues to gain popularity, the French market figures suggest a bright future for the VAE. More than 500,000 units sold in 2020, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 35% over the past two years. An expansion which is not ready to dry up if we follow the curves of our European neighbors and if we consider that only around 2.4% of French people use the bicycle to go to work while 50% of journeys are less 8 km and that 50% of urban car journeys are less than 3 km. The potential for modal shift to VAE is therefore considerable.

Fast and convenient
If the VAE is a gentle mode of transport, it is nonetheless one of the fastest in the city and the least dangerous. With an average speed of 18 to 20 km/h, it is ahead of the car and public transport. Goodbye traffic jams, parking problems, strikes, downtime and other transport delights. Reliable and predictable, its only disadvantage for the user is that it no longer has an excuse not to be punctual!


Benefits for all
A source of numerous benefits for users, the 2.0 bicycle can also prove to be a real economic, social and environmental ally for companies which intelligently integrate it into their mobility policies. The VAE is now established as the ideal way to get to the office without stress, without fatigue or unnecessary expenses on parking or fuel. A card to play for economic actors who live with the times and anticipate their future.

To conquer



Companies are integrating the VAE as a travel solution
More and more of them are getting involved in Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR) and eco-mobility, they have their own pages to write in this chronicle of announced success. Integrating VAE into their Mobility Plans can act as a real lever for economic, social and environmental performance. An opportunity supported and encouraged by public authorities who think big for the little queen: Cycling and active mobility plan 2022-2027 , facilitation of traffic and parking conditions, bicycle mileage allowance (IKV) for employees, various tax reductions.


Metropolises and Cities encourage it and are committed actors
A real social and societal issue for Metropolises and Cities, soft modes of travel are a key subject and they are working to develop mobility solutions accessible to all, more respectful of the environment and favorable to the economic dynamism of territories. Integrating VAE into their Mobility Plans helps meet the new needs and uses of cities while partly responding to public health and environmental challenges.

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